my own python ShortcutIO LIBIARY
important ------------- YOU CAN IMPORT THE Shortcut PYTHON FILE THIS IS A MAGIC PRINT AND INPUT FUNCTION LIBRARY, IT SUPPORTS VARROUS LANGAUGES SUCH AS TO SHORT PRINT AND INPUT FUNCTION. THE FUNCTION ARE GIVEN BELOW documentwrite(),ip(),cout(),printf(),P(),p(),and other you can see by help command EXAMPLE P("HELLO WORLD")#THE O/P IS-HELLO WORLD IT ALSO OTHER PROGRMMING LANGUAGES PRINT STATEMENT SUCH AS-JAVA,JAVASCRIPT,C,C++, import System System.out.print("hello")#THE O/P IS-HELLO WHY IT IS MAGIC LIBRARY? ANS-IF YOU WANT TO print one python file data in another python file ,then you simple that file name in your file example- my module or python file name is-praticeall my progrmme is given below: from Shortcut import * A=1#YOU CAN USE VARIABLES p(A,"hello") my 2nd module or 2nd python file name is-pratice2 my progrmme is given below: import Shortcut import praticeall Shortcut.p("KESHARI") O/P ---- 1 hello KESHARI -----------------------------...